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Routes and Schedules

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Season Tickets

Aimed at users who want to benefit from significant discounts on the price of the single ticket.

These multi-journey season tickets are intended for travellers who want to save on the cost of buying their tickets. They can only be used by one person on each journey.

The T10 multi-journey season tickets includes 10 journeys. It is valid for 100 days and top-up costs are as follows:
Zone 1: 11,45 euros
Zone 2: 21,55 euros
Zone 3: 35,30 euros

The T40 multi-journey season tickets includes 40 journeys. It is valid for 60 days and top-up costs are as follows:

Zone 1: 32,60 euros
Zone 2: 61,50 euros
Zone 3: 100,85 euros

The T-JOVE card (red-coloured) can operate with the following Transport tickets:
T-21 numerous family of general category
T-21 numerous family of special category
T-10 and T-40 numerous family of general category
T-10 and T-40 numerous family of special category
Single tickets with 20% discount for numerous family of general category
Single tickets with 50% discount for numerous family of special category

The T21 multi-journey season tickets is valid for 30 days and top-up costs are as follows:
Zone 1: 17,65 euros
Zone 2: 32,45 euros
Zone 3: 55,95 euros

For more information visit:

This is designed especially for users who have a CERTIFICATE RECOGNISING A PHYSICAL DISABILITY, REDUCED MOBILITY OR AN INTELLECTUAL DISABILITY, people UNEMPLOYED, people AT RISC OF SOCIAL EXCLUSION and people are retired or pensioners.

In the T-MÉS card (yellow-coloured) can be loaded reduced tickets with 50% discount on the single ticket.

For more information visit:

Routes and Schedules

Rutas y horarios

Summary of shedules

Download abbreviated Timetable

  Subscription to TMSA information notices

Since the subscription page, you can register in our system of registered users and will send all our notices directly to the email address you specify.

 Request to travel with bicycles

Book traveling with bicycles

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Empresa beneficiaria d'ajudes per transformar les flotes de transport de viatgers i mercaderies d'empreses privades prestadores de serveis de transport per carretera, així com d'empreses que realitzin transport privat complementari, en el marc del Pla de Recuperació, Transformació i Resiliència, finançades per la Unió Europea «Next Generation EU.