With this List of Services, we aim to inform our customers of our commitment to quality, the environment and the health and safety of our workers, as well as our desire to keep improving day by day.
Transportes Menorca is the company that has been entrusted with providing the public transport service by bus on the Mahon to Ciutadella route, as well as on other routes. TMSA has been doing this since 1907, when it started to provide this service.
Camí de ses Rodees, 5
POIMA, 07714 Mahón
Telephone: (34) 971 360 475
Fax:(34) 971 354 007
TMSA has made the following means of communication available to its clients so that they can give their opinions, suggestions or any other type of communication they may desire. In person: at our office during office hours. In writing (Complaints/Suggestions Sheet). By post: at the company address given in the Contact Us section.
By Telephone
Office: (34) 971 360 475 at the following times from 8.00h. to 13.00h. and 16:00h. a 19:00h. Monday to Friday and from 8:00h. to 13:00h. Saturdays.
By Internet
Using the form provided on the company’s website (www.tmsa.es) to record any communication you might wish to make. Our Facebook and Twitter pages are also available.
As part of the range of indicators and methods for measuring the quality of the service that TMSA is implementing, we have outlined below the series of commitments which the company makes to its passengers and which we believe are fundamental to achieving our strategic objectives:
The posts at the bus-stops and the bus-shelters will have the following information as minimum:
Information inside the buses
All buses will have the following information in their interior as a minimum:
All buses have the following information on the exterior as a minimum:
All buses which will be in service the next day are cleaned externally.
All buses which will be in service the next day are cleaned thoroughly inside.
All complaints and messages from our passengers are investigated and recorded. All of them are answered (by telephone or using the same method by which they were made) within 20 days of receiving them.
Any property lost by passengers (on the buses or in the company’s facilities) are collected, recorded and stored in accordance with the appropriate procedure.
If the lost item has sufficient information about the passenger, the company will contact the passenger to inform them that the item can be collected.
Our fleet is always updated by acquiring buses which comply with the most recent environmental rules in place.
Where necessary, people with reduced mobility will find mechanical or manually-operated facilities provided in order to access our buses.
At present over 50% of our vehicles are adapted for people with reduced mobility with the provision of various facilities such as an access ramp for wheelchair users, and a reserved space in the vehicle for them. Furthermore, they have also been adapted for other types of disability such as visual and hearing problems through information panels and interior loudspeaker systems respectively.
Empresa beneficiaria d'ajudes per transformar les flotes de transport de viatgers i mercaderies d'empreses privades prestadores de serveis de transport per carretera, així com d'empreses que realitzin transport privat complementari, en el marc del Pla de Recuperació, Transformació i Resiliència, finançades per la Unió Europea «Next Generation EU.