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Routes and Schedules

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Temporary authorization to transport a minor unaccompanied

Only temporarily authorize the transport of unaccompanied minors in regular transport services for general use under the conditions detailed in this document:

  1. Children aged between 8 and 12 years old traveling alone periodically must hold a valid travel card T21 issued by the Consell Insular de Menorca
  2. Transport unaccompanied child between 8 and 12 years old is under the responsibility of the parent / guardian / a legal minor, for which the issuance of Temporary Authorization Document Transport is required. Temporary Authorization Document Transportation has two copies (one for the smaller service user and one for the carrier) and can be downloaded from this section (below), it must be completed and signed by the parent / tutor / a child before the trip, giving both copies in the offices of TMSA Regular Transportation SL (Cami de Ses Rhodes, 5, POIMA, 07714 Mahon) for validation and sealed.
  3. In the shipment, the youngest, with his T21 transport card, you must carry and show the driver the Temporary Authorization Document Transport signed by the parent / guardian / ay sealed by TMSA.
  4. Except as provided above, shall not be permitted in any instance or service, under 12 unaccompanied by an adult
    • Original or certified photocopy of the Identity card of the minor
    • Original or certified copy of the Family record book in which the data of the parents and the minor appears
    • Original or certified copy of the identity card of parents
    • Original or certified copy of the transportation card (T21 or others) that will be used by the minor

Routes and Schedules

Rutas y horarios

Summary of shedules

Download abbreviated Timetable

  Subscription to TMSA information notices

Since the subscription page, you can register in our system of registered users and will send all our notices directly to the email address you specify.

 Request to travel with bicycles

Book traveling with bicycles

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Empresa beneficiaria d'ajudes per transformar les flotes de transport de viatgers i mercaderies d'empreses privades prestadores de serveis de transport per carretera, així com d'empreses que realitzin transport privat complementari, en el marc del Pla de Recuperació, Transformació i Resiliència, finançades per la Unió Europea «Next Generation EU.