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Routes and Schedules

Rutas y horarios

Summary of shedules

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Rules and regulations

Guidelines for good use of the service.

If your seat is equipped wiht a safety belt, you are legally required to fasten it dureing the journey. Art. 117 of Road Traffic Regulations (Royal Decree Law 965/2009).

Children over 4 years of age must travel with a valid ticket.

It is not permitted to smoke inside de bus.

Eating or drinking on the buses is not permitted.

Passengers must wear shirts ans shoes when travelling by bus.

It is not permitted to travel with animals except for a guide dogs as well as small pets which are carried by their owners in an appropriate container. Owners must ensure that these small animals do not create any annoyance or disturbance due to noise or smell.

Please request in advance for next stop.

Passengers travelling with a push chair are requested to fold it up. In coaches with luggagge compartment: place in the luggage compartment before boarding the bus. In urban busses without luggage compartment: take i ton board using exclusively the front door to enter.

You are requested to give up clearly marked priority seats: please give up these seats for passengers with special needs.

TO ACCEPT BICYCLES AS BAGGAGE, the following requirements must be met:

  1. THEY ARE COMPLETELLY PROTECTED by a bike cover or a bike transport bag in order to prevent damage to the rest of baggage.
  2. The PASSENGER’S HAND LUGGAGE WILL HAVE ABSOLUTE PRIORITY on bicycles in the vehicle luggage compartment. Therefore, they will be charged at last minute before departure.
  3. The MAXIMUM NUMBER of bicycles is 1 per trip.
    Section 76.2.d of the Regulations on Land Transportation.

Routes and Schedules

Rutas y horarios

Summary of shedules

Download abbreviated Timetable

  Subscription to TMSA information notices

Since the subscription page, you can register in our system of registered users and will send all our notices directly to the email address you specify.

 Request to travel with bicycles

Book traveling with bicycles

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Empresa beneficiaria d'ajudes per transformar les flotes de transport de viatgers i mercaderies d'empreses privades prestadores de serveis de transport per carretera, així com d'empreses que realitzin transport privat complementari, en el marc del Pla de Recuperació, Transformació i Resiliència, finançades per la Unió Europea «Next Generation EU.