The schedules of ALL
SERVICES for next TUESDAY August 15 will be the usual ones for a working day. Even
being a public holiday, there will be NO reduction of the timetables.
The schedules of ALL SERVICES for next Saturday August 15 will be the usual ones for a normal Saturday. Even being a public holiday, there will be NO reduction of the timetables.
Next Wednesday, July 15, the service begins on the following routes:
- L24 Maó - Sa MesquidaEmpresa beneficiaria d'ajudes per transformar les flotes de transport de viatgers i mercaderies d'empreses privades prestadores de serveis de transport per carretera, així com d'empreses que realitzin transport privat complementari, en el marc del Pla de Recuperació, Transformació i Resiliència, finançades per la Unió Europea «Next Generation EU.